Make a Date Night with Girls Nite Out, Now on Blu-ray from Arrow
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Often unknown or overlooked, 1982’s Girls Nite Out is about as basic as you can get when it comes to slasher movies of that era. Mixing teen comedy with horror has always been a staple of these films, and this one does not disappoint. Going so far as to choose a giant bear school mascot costume as the killer’s choice of garb, the comedy feels forced at instances, and some of the better known actors of the film just phone in their performances throughout the duration of their screen time.
With horror icons Hal Holbrook (Creepshow), Rutanya Alda (Amityville II: The Possession), and comedy star Julia Montgomery (Revenge of the Nerds), Director Robert Deubel sets the stage for college campus hijinks and horror when a group of coeds are targeted by a crazy killer in a giant teddy bear suit during an all-night scavenger hunt.
Long before Freddy Kruger entered into your dreams with his razor gloved hand, Girls Nite Out featured the first weapon of this kind to hit the big screen, with the blade-laced paws of the giant teddy bear killer. It seems it was the only original thing about the movie, as the plot and story relied heavily on horror tropes of the 70’s era, right down to the almost laughable final scene where the killer (or killers) is revealed to the audience.
All in all, Girls Nite Out is textbook 80’s slasher fare that would be a great addition to your horror collections if you can scavenge up a copy for yourself. Arrow Video makes it easy for you with this limited-edition release.
Brand new 2K restoration from 35mm vault elements
High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation
Original uncompressed mono audio
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Brand new audio commentary with genre film critic/author Justin Kerswell and film historian/author Amanda Reyes
Staying Alive – a brand new video interview with actress Julia Montgomery
A Savage Mauling – a brand new video interview with actress Laura Summer
Alone in the Dark – a brand new video interview with actress Lois Robbins
It Was a Party! – a brand new video interview with actor Paul Christie
Love & Death – a brand new video interview with actors Lauren-Marie Taylor and John Didrichsen
Archival video interview with actress Julia Montgomery
The Scaremaker Alternate Title Card
Original Trailers
Reversible sleeve featuring original artwork and newly-commissioned artwork by Justin Osbourn
FIRST PRESSING ONLY: Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing on the film by Michael Gingold
Not by any means a ‘must see’ slasher from the 80’s, Girls Nite Out is a fun little film that doesn’t take itself seriously; and neither should you.
Watch Girls Nite Out on any of the streaming services listed here.