The Longbox Short-List - Week of September 14, 2016

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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week.   Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that.  Let's get to it!

Comics shipping this week

CHARMED SEASON 10 #20 – As a long time Charmed fan, I am sorry to see this book go…again. Zenescope seems to be saying this is the end of the line, but I am still hoping we get a season 11 somewhere down the line. With the way Hollywood is, we’ll probably get some lousy reboot movie instead. But Zenescope has done a terrific job with the Halliwell Witches, so if this is the end, at least it has been a great run by Pat Shand.

ANIMOSITY #2 – I really enjoyed the first issue, even though it felt like it ended just as things were getting good. I hope they slow down the pacing a bit, but I can definitely see this being another great Aftershock series. Aftershock continues to put out amazing books on a regular basis!

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS PINK #3 – Calling this Pink is now a bit misleading as last issue saw the return of Zack and Trini as well. The main MMPR is great, but the spin off might even be better. Boom has given us some peaks into stories that happened between episodes of MMPR, and they are really killing it on this license!

ALL-STAR BATMAN #2 – While I typically try to talk mostly about books I love, sometimes I feel compelled to talk about books for less positive reasons. To be blunt, All-Star Batman is by far my least favorite DC book at the moment. I liked Snyder’s run on Batman, but the first issue of this series was pretty much the definition of forgettable. I am going to give it another issue or so, but I can easily see me dropping this book.

DOOM PATROL #1 – DC’s Young Animal line launches, at last! Looks like they are going back to the early days of Vertigo, giving fresh new live to some forgotten DC properties. I have always liked the Doom Patrol, and I can’t wait to see what Gerald Way can bring to Doom Patrol.

SCARLET WITCH #10 – I know I say this a lot, but I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this series as much as I have been. James Robinson has a great feel for the character. Last issue, we saw the collapse of Wanda and Pietro’s relationship. This issue, Wanda slips out of Civil War II and heads to Japan to track a mystical murderer. 

MAXX MAXXIMIZED #35 – Kind of weird to say goodbye to Maxx again…even if this was just a series of reprints. I keep hoping for some kind of announcement of something new and Maxx-related from Sam Keith, but so far, nothing.

ASTRO CITY #38 – Astro City takes us back to see what superhero life was like in the 1930’s. Sounds like a lot of fun. Busiek continues to blow me away with each new issue of Astro City. Still my favorite comic after all these years.

SPIDER-MAN 2099 #15 – Really love that we get to see so many more 2099 characters in this Civil War 2099 arc. I love that after all this time doing Spider-Man 2099, Peter David still has a lot of surprises for the reader.

HOUSE OF PENANCE #6 – A bit sorry to see this book coming to an end (it was always intended as a mini-series). Dark Horse is producing one of the best horror comics I have ever read here, and I hope we see more comics like this in the future. 

Sept 14
Action Comics #963 
Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #2 
Detective Comics #940 
Flash #6 
Green Lanterns #6 
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #4
New Super-Man #3 
Red Hood And The Outlaws #2 
Scooby Apocalypse #5 
Suicide Squad #2 
Superwoman #2 
Teen Titans #24
Wonder Woman #6 
Powerpuff Girls #3 
Fix #5
A-Force #9 
All-New X-Men #13
Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #4 (Of 4)
Civil War II Gods Of War #4 (Of 4)
Deadpool #18 
Gwenpool #6 
Mockingbird #7
Old Man Logan #11
Rocket Raccoon And Groot #9
Spider-Man #8 
Uncanny Avengers #14
Uncanny Inhumans #13 
Letter 44 #27
Faith #3 
Wrath Of The Eternal Warrior #11