WrestlePro Results - March 11, 2017
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Preshow - Talon def. Valerio LaMorte
Bruce Pritchard came out to do a promo to start the show. He put over WrestlePro huge in a terrific promo.
CPA def Habib with a sick Canadian Destroyer to win the last in their best of 5 series. After the match, the Apple Corps comes out to mock both of them. They tell they to leave the ring for the adults. Apple Corps beat down both men until Shark Boy comes down to make the save. Shark Boy calls out Macintosh to start their match RIGHT NOW!
Matt Macintosh def. Shark Boy with a roll up after interference from Valerio LaMorte
Taboo Crew def. Dirty and Durable
Chris Payne def. Craven Varro after inference by Shining Edward Jackson
Triple Threat: Niko Rikos Vs Fallah Bahh Vs Buster Jackson. Fallah Bahh wins with a Banzai Drop on Niko Rikos. Afterwards, that sore loser Fallah Bahh hits a Banzai Drop on Coach D who was just trying to wish him well after a hard fought match-up. No respect at all. GO BACK TO IMPACT, YOU DAMN PANDA!
<<The previous comments were sponsored by the Coach D Minion Association. It’s a dirty job, but someone needs to do it.>>
Alex Reynolds Def. Delroy after a low blow and a roll up.
Ladder Match for WrestlePro Title: Bobby Wayward def. Anthony Bowens. Match ended in a tug of war over title, with Bowens having to fight off Job Security and Chris Avery Queling. In the end, Chris Avery Queling ended up with the title, and handed it over to Wayward to make Wayward a two-time WrestlePro champion.
6-way match - Johnny Clash Vs, Max Caster Vs Ken Dixon Vs Chris Steeler Vs Hush Vs Hot Dog Starkes. Ken DIxon wins over Johnny Clash after Hot Dog Starkes hit a choke slam and Dixon stole the pin. Afterwards, Hot Dog Starkes confronts Dixon, and hits the Hogan boot and Leg Drop.
Joey Ryan Def. Beefcake Charlie
Tag Team Gauntlet Match for WrestlePro Tag Titles
Beach Bums Def. The Amazing Graysons
Massage NV def. Beach Bums
Massage NV def. Team Espana
Heavenly Bodies def. Massage NV to retain the titles.
Pat Buck, Kevin Matthews, and Mario Bokara def. Dan Maff, Steve Mack, and Homicide. Match ended with the ring being practically destroyed. Pat Buck choked Dan Maff out using the rope that holds down the ring apron. Maff never tapped out, but the ref called to end the match.
Another amazing night of wrestling at WrestlePro’s home base of Rahway, New Jersey. WrestlePro is heading towards their biggest show ever in Orlando WrestleCon for Wrestlemania weekend, and this show served as one last tune-up.
Match of the night probably has to go to Wayward Vs Bowens. It was a hard-hitting ladder match. And I thought this match had the best finish I’ve ever seen in a ladder match. I am thinking Chris Avery Queling deserves a shot at that WrestlePro title. He looked pretty good with it last night before turning it over to Bobby Wayward.
Joey Ryan and Beefcake had one of the most entertaining matches I’ve ever seen. Joey Ryan has become one of the biggest acts in the independent circuit, and Beefcake definitely held his own in terms of creepy weirdness. I am always impressed by how Joey Ryan can keep his routine fresh. It takes a real talented performer to be able to turn schtick into a true art form.
CPA Vs Habib was a great way to end their series of matches. That Canadian Destroyer that CPA pulled out of nowhere was awesome. And I loved that they went right into their next storyline with the Apple Corps coming out to attack them. Macintosh and Habib have a long standing feud going back to Pro Wrestling Syndicate, and in the Apple Corps “War on Gimmicks,” CPA and Habib make sense as their next targets. Looking forward to seeing where this story goes from here.
Speaking of Macintosh, his match with Shark Boy came really close to stealing the show. No surprise, I always talk about how good Macintosh was. I hadn’t seen Shark Boy wrestle in a long time, but they matched up really well. My daughter and her friend ended up losing their voices because they were screaming so much during this match. Give me a Shell Yeah!
Taboo Crew and Dirty and Durable was every bit the showcase I thought it would be. Both of these teams have a ton of talent. WrestlePro’s tag team division is really hot right now. The Heavenly Bodies had better watch out because there are several teams that could challenge them.
I would have loved if they were able to give a little more time to Craven and Chris Payne. It was still a solid match, but I thought it could have been a bit longer. As I said in the preview, I am not a big fan of Gauntlet matches, as they tend to take up a lot of time and are usually fairly predictable. That said, I actually did enjoy the Gauntlet match here, but that was more because of the great teams involved than the format.
Who’s got time to talk about one more match? The main event was every bit as crazy as I expected it would be. Those six guys seemed to be trying to kill each other. It was impossible to keep up with all the action. In the end, the entire ring was torn to shreds. All six of these guys went to hell to put on a show that no one in that audience is going to forget. I definitely hope we see more of Da Hit Squad and Homicide. The Evil Family adds a whole new dimension of insanity to WrestlePro.
This whole show was incredible. As always, the WrestlePro team works so hard to put on amazing wrestling shows. They all deserve to be seen on a much bigger stage.
If you are going to be in Orlando for Wrestlemania, YOU NEED TO GO TO THE WRESTLEPRO SHOW AT WRESTLECON! It will be the best wrestling you can see that weekend, hands down!
- Ryback Vs Colt Cobana
- Brian Cage Vs Cody Rhodes
- Chris Payne Vs Tommy Dreamer
- Da Hit Squad Vs the Heavenly Bodies
- Pat Buck, Kevin Matthews, and Mario Bokara Vs The Blue World Order
- Joey Ryan vs Brandi Rhodes
- Also, meet Fake News Bennett (FKA as Bad News Barret) and much, much more!