More Marvel teasers
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Submitted by Mike 'Ace' Maillaro on Fri, 06/05/2015 - 07:31

Yesterday, we had posted the first set of teaser images from Marvel regarding what the universe would look like after Secret Wars. Late last night, we got another group of characters. Looks like these characters are:
- Spectrum - Looks like Monica Rambeau crossed with Squadron Supreme's Dr. Spectrum
- Citizen V - I am really hoping this is Zemo
- The Thing - Looks like he's joined the Guardians of the Galaxy.
- Rocket Raccoon - Rocket looks like Rocket. No real changes here.
- Karnak - People are saying the hooded figure is Karnak. He was dead, but he looks better now.
- Hyperion - Another Squadron Supreme character. Glad to see he's still around.
- Inferno - New character
- Medusa - No real changes here.
- Daredevil - Looks like Daredevil has gone back to his look from Shadowland...or maybe they are just trying to crossmarket with the successful TV series.
- Iron Man - Odd they used the same image for Iron Man in both preview images.
- X-23 - Looks like she's taking over for Wolverine.
- Star-Lord - No real changes
- Dr. Strange - Dr Strange...with a huge axe? Why not.
- Old Man Logan - Old Man Logan was my pick for "new" Wolverine. Looks like I was wrong, but he's still sticking around in some capacity after Secret Wars.