X-O Manowar returns in March!

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Valiant send out a press release on Monday telling us "War is coming!" heralding the return of X-O MANOWAR in a new series debuting in March 2017.  They didn't tell us much else, just the very cool image above.  

I have been whining about X-O ending for a while now, so I am glad to see the hiatus is relatively short.  X-O MANOWAR has pretty much been my favorite Valiant series since the company relaunched back in 2012.  X-O is the story of a Visogoth warrior who gets kidnapped by aliens way back in the fifth century. He steals a powerful armor (which is a sacred artifact for the Vine) and returns to Earth with several of his people, only to find himself arriving in the 21st Century. Throughout the series, X-O has faced down many threats to his people as well as bigger threats to the entire planet.  Some of the Vine has taken to worshipping X-O, which has caused a massive division in the Vine.

Okay, now that X-O is coming back, that just leaves me with one big question: WHEN ARE WE GETTING SHADOWMAN BACK?  The new Shadowman series was terrible, and came to a very abrupt end.  Shadowman is arguably Valiant's biggest character, having appeared in a TV series and video games back in the day.  We have seen him pop up a few times, most recently in Ninjak, but I need my monthy Shadowman fix.  It kind of felt like Valiant was trying to launch a whole new generation of books...which isn't neccessarily a bad thing, but I don't want it to come at the expense of the older series which still seem to have a lot of life to them.   Hopefully the return of X-O MANOWAR and HARBINGER will lead to SHADOWMAN making its way back to comic shops soon.