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Hey Critical Blasters!
Last week I told you we'd have coverage from Dragon Con complete with cosplay pictures, live panel tweets, interviews and more. This week there's even more exciting news for con enthusiats who aren't able to attend.
Dragon Con has a new streaming service that allows you to catch the higlights of the con with a subscription based service right from your living room. And for those not familiar with Dragon Con TV, it's one of the best compilations of geek culture I've ever seen. There's panels, interviews, videos, and so much fandom awesomeness. Check out the press release below!
And don't forget to check out Critical Blast Labor Day weekend! I'm looking forward to filling all your social media streams with amazing things from Dragon Con!
JK Elison
Streaming Service Will Bring the Best of Dragon Con’s Panels, Costume Contests, and Other Events Directly To Your Device, Wherever, Whenever You Go
DVR Features Lets You Relive the Memories for Three Months
ATLANTA – August 8, 2017 – Dragon Con, Atlanta’s internationally known pop culture, fantasy and sci-fi convention, will offer a live internet streamed version of DragonConTV’s start to finish coverage of the convention on a subscription basis for the 2017 convention.
Some 82,000 people are expected to attend Dragon Con, Atlanta’s internationally known pop culture, fantasy, and sci-fi convention, in 2017, filling downtown over the four-day Labor Day weekend, Sept. 1 to Sept. 4, with events and activities across AmericasMart Buildings One and Two and five host hotels – Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Marriott Marquis, Hilton Atlanta, Westin Peachtree, and Sheraton Atlanta.
DragonConTV provides in-depth coverage of the four-day convention, delivering live broadcasts of guest panels, costume competitions, the Dragon Con Parade and other key events, one-on-one interviews with guests, and, of course, fan-produced comedy content including commercial parodies, music videos, sketches, and satirical bumpers.
“This really is a “best of” Dragon Con opportunity,” said convention co-chair Rachel Reeves. “Programming will include conversations with our top guests, a front-row seat to the queen of costume competitions, the Masquerade, and getting up close with Dragon Con Wrestling.”
In addition to watching DragonConTV live over the Labor Day weekend, a DVR feature will allow subscribers to revisit their favorite programming for three months following the convention, through December 4th. The “Dragon Con DVR” will also contain additional convention coverage that wasn’t broadcast live, as well as select “classic” programming from past conventions.
“Our fans have been asking for this kind of service for several years, but it took some time to put into place,” Reeves said. “We had to solve both the technical issues associated with streaming a convention of our size as well as contractual obligations with our guests.”
A limited version of the service to test the technology was offered to members only at last year’s convention.
The live streaming service, nearly identical to the video carried on the in-house channels of the five host hotels, will be available for $30 to fans who cannot attend the convention. Members – those purchasing at least a single day DragonCon badge – will be able to subscribe for $10.
“Making live streaming available for members was a critical element of this service so that our fans can take a break from the convention but still get a chance to keep up with all the action,” Reeves said. In addition to the five host hotels, Dragon Con fans stay at approximately two-dozen convention hotels and some Georgia residents commute from their homes to the convention.
Pre-convention sales of streaming subscriptions are available to members through August 26 at the Dragon Con online store at store.dragoncon.org and through dragoncon.tv/purchase for those not attending the convention. Subscriptions will also be available during the convention at Onsite Registration and the Dragon Con retail stores.
The internet stream is scheduled to start Thursday, August 31st at 12:00pm and will conclude Monday, September 4th at 2:00pm.
For more information on this service, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions document on dragoncon.tv/faq.
About Dragon Con
Dragon Con is the internationally known pop culture convention held each Labor Day in Atlanta. Organized for fans, Dragon Con features more than about 3,000 hours of comics, film, television, costuming, art, music, and gaming over four days. For more information, please visit dragoncon.org and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.