The Longbox Short-List - Week of September 13, 2017
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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week. Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that. Let's get to it!
Comics shipping this week
Lots of comics coming out and quite a few I want to talk about.
- RUNAWAYS #1 – So happy to see RUNAWAYS back, especially since it seems to be the original roster. They even seem to be bringing back Gert. I know I complain all the time about death being a revolving door in comics, but I thought Gert was an important piece in making the Runaways successful. I am real curious about what Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka can do with these characters.
- MISTER MIRACLE #2 – I absolutely loved the first issue of Tom King’s MISTER MIRACLE. It definitely kept the reader off balance and not knowing what was coming next. A lot like Tom King’s awesome VISION run.
DARK NIGHTS METAL #2 – Still not really feeling this event, BUT I was very happy to see Dream in the end of issue 1. Definitely ups the ante as far as I am concerned as a reader. Far more interested in seeing what part he will play than anything else going on here.
- SECRET EMPIRE OMEGA #1 – I am really hoping that Marvel doesn’t just forget about everything that happened in SECRET EMPIRE. Too often Marvel events don’t really deal with the ramifications of the big stories they try to tell. I’m hoping SECRET EMPIRE leaves some bruises on the Marvel universe.
- GENERATIONS CAPTAIN MARVEL AND CAPTAIN MAR-VELL #1 – Most people don’t know this, but I am actually a huge fan of Mar-Vell. I own every issue of his series, including his first appearances in MARVEL SUPER-HEROES #12 and #13. So of the GENERATIONS books, this is probably the one I am most looking forward too.
NINJAK #0 – I don’t particularly like Valiant’s constant relaunching, but I am curious about NINJA-K which starts soon. It’s in the same vein as DC’s meta/metal ret-con, but I love Ninjak, so I’m willing to see where this goes.
- VENOMVERSE #2 – This event has been far better than I expected it would be. I am curious if it ties into SPIDER-VERSE at all, but the war between the symbiotes and the Poison makes a strong backdrop for this mini-series. Never thought I could be this engaged by a Venom event, but I said the same thing about GwenPool. Marvel is good at surprising me that way.
- Babyteeth #4
- Pestilence #4
- Groo Play Of The Gods #3 (Of 4)
- Action Comics #987
- Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #14
- Detective Comics #964
- Flash #30
- Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #28
- Justice League Of America #14
- New Super-Man #15
- Red Hood And The Outlaws #14
- Scooby Apocalypse #17
- Suicide Squad #25
- Teen Titans #12
- Titans #15
- Wonder Woman #30
- Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files Dog Men #4 (Of 6)
- Will Eisner's The Spirit The Corpse-Makers #4 (Of 5)
- First Strike #3
- Uncle Scrooge #30
- Curse Words #8
- Mage The Hero Denied #2 (Of 15)
- Youngblood #5
- All-New Wolverine #24
- Amazing Spider-Man #32
- Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #7
- Deadpool #36
- Defenders #5
- Gwenpool #20
- Hulk #10
- Ms. Marvel #22
- Old Man Logan #28
- Rocket #5
- Secret Warriors #6
- Star Wars #36
- Star Wars Doctor Aphra #12
- Uncanny Avengers #27
- Weapon X #8