The Longbox Short-List - Week of May 27, 2015
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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week. Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that. Let's get to it! We're way behind this week (damn holiday weekend), so this one is going to be quick.
We spend so much time talking about Secret Wars and Convergence, so I am starting off this week with the "other" summer crossovers.
Sonic Universe #76 - World Unite Crossover is finally starting! It feels like we've been waiting forever for this one! This time it's not just Mega Man and Sonic, a wide variety of Capcom and Sega characters are going to be involved in this one. I loved Worlds Collide and Mega Man is consistently one of my favorite comics every month. This should be a great comic!
Swords Of Sorrow Masquerade And Kato Special #1 - Swords of Sorrow has been excellent so far. The Vampirella/Jennifer Blood crossover was terrific and I'm really looking forward to this one, even if I don't know the characters all that well. That is one thing Dynamite does very well, make characters very accessible for readers who might not be familiar with them.
Sabrina #3 - This companion book to Afterlife with Archie might actually be even better than Afterlife. This is a very haunting story. As a lifelong Stephen King fan, I have wanted some good horror comics for a long time, and Sabrina and Afterlife are probably the best ones on the shelf since Route 666 came to an end.
Divinity #4 - This series has been a damn roller coaster. At times I love it, at times I feel lost. BUT, it's definitely held my attention and I can't wait to see how it ties up and what the future holds for these characters.
Convergence - Convergence finally comes to an end. On a whole, I've really enjoyed this event, and I can't wait to see how it all wraps up. I just hope that some of these characters will be sticking around in some capacity afterwards. Of the tie-ins, my picks are Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, World's Finest, and Shazam.
Secret Wars - Quite a few Secret Wars tie ins make their debut this week. I am still trying to find my footing on Secret Wars, but I did like a lot of the tie-ins from last week. For this week, my picks are: Inferno, Infinity Gauntlet, and Secret Wars 2099.