The Longbox Short-List - Week of June 3, 2015
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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week. Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that. Let's get to it!
Archie #666 - I am not 100% sure, but this might be the highest numbered American comic right now. And this is the last issue to make way for the Archie relaunch by Waid/Staples. I buy Archie on and off when something interesting is going on, and I will definitely check out this last issue. I am really looking forward to the Archie Relaunch!
Bat-Mite #1 - I have to give DC a lot of credit. The previews they have put as backup stories (and on Comixology for free) really got me interested in several books I didn't think I had any interest in. Bat-Mite looks like it is going to be a lot of fun, and since it's only a mini-series, I decided to give it a look.
Secret Wars - Secret Wars #3 comes out this week. The tie-ins have been a real mixed bag so far, but there have been some real good ones. Master of Kung Fu was awesome, and I am really looking forward to the second issue. For new books this week, we have Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, Armor Wars, and X-Tinction Agenda. I also have to admit, I will probably enjoy Giant-Size Little Marvel AvX. I typically enjoy Scottie Young's quirky humor.
Spider-Woman #8 - Nothing particularly special about this one, but Spider-Woman is one of Marvel's best books, and I'm sure many people don't even know it exists. It doesn't get a lot of press, but it is definitely worth checking out. The current arc about a town of supervillain wives in what amounts to witness protection has been clever and a lot of fun.
Batman Beyond #1 - Not sure how I feel about a Batman Beyond book that doesn't star Terry McGinnis, but Future's End did leave me wanting more. Curious to see what Tim Drake can do in this role. And still holding on to hope that we get ties to the Batman Beyond universe I know and love.
Star Wars - All three core Star Wars series come out this week: Star Wars, Princess Leia, and Darth Vader. I've really enjoyed each of these books (and Kanan), though it's strange for them to all come out in the same week. Marvel really has no respect for the customers' aching wallets. Especially with all this Secret Wars coming out at the same time.
Dead Drop #2 - Loved the first issue of this mini-series, featuring Valiant characters in a slightly different setting than we are used to. I say all the time that comics need to be a lot more fun, and Dead Drop was great for that.
Swords Of Sorrow #2 - My favorite summer crossover so far (though Worlds Unite just started, so that might give it some competition). Gail Simone and company have put a great spotlight on their female characters.