The Longbox Short-List - Week of June 10, 2015
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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week. Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that. Let's get to it!
Starfire #1 – I give DC a lot of credit for the free previews they made available on Comixology for the DCYou initiative. There were quite a few books that I added to my pull list because of the strong previews. Starfire was a real surprise for me. I really enjoyed that one, and it is the book I am most excited about this week.
Secret Wars – The Secret Wars continues. Last week, we got a little more insight on everything that is going on here, but the pieces are all still coming together slowly. For me, the ones I am most interested in this week are Inferno, Ghost Racers, Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps, and Spider-Verse. Ghost Racers I wasn’t even going to pick up, but after reading about one of them as part of the Voice Unheard in Attilan Rising issue 1, I am curious to learn more.
X-O Manowar 25th Anniversary Special #1 – Been a fan of X-O for a long time. Thank you Valiant for doing an Anniversary Special that doesn’t cost a ridiculous amount of money. $4 cover price, same as any other issue. All other comic companies can learn from you on this one!
Chrononauts #4 (Of 4) – Speaking of cost of comics, Chrononauts' last issue is $5.99. I suspect this is because they combined the last two issues together (it was originally solicited as a 5 issue miniseries). I’ve really enjoyed this series a lot, but I am not happy about paying $6 to get the end of the story. That just seems so wrong.
Batman #41 & Detective Comics #41 – I was telling my friend and co-conspirator Grey yesterday that after all the craziness of Convergence, I had actually forgotten Batman was supposed to be dead. It probably didn’t help that he’s around in Justice League as if nothing happened. Never the less, the Jim Gordan as Batman era starts here! I may not like the costume, but I am real curious about the stories that will come from this.
Earth 2 Society #1 – I actually enjoyed Earth 2 for the most part, but with the real JSA back thanks to Convergence, I have a hard time caring about this book. I will probably check it out, but I would rather JSA-Infinity have gotten this title than more with the Earth 2, who have become a little oversaturated between being featured in Earth 2, World’s Finest, World’s End, and Convergence.
Silver Surfer #12 – After the last issue, I had kind of thought this series was over. I know Marvel has been soliciting later issues, but issue 11 just seemed like a natural breaking point. Glad I was wrong. I love this book.
Savage Dragon #204 – I actually JUST got to read Savage Dragon Legacy this week (Comixology finally added it), which is set at least a year or two down the road of Savage Dragon continuity. It’s going to be strange reading Savage Dragon knowing a lot of what’s going to happen. But, I am a new convert to Savage Dragon and I really enjoy this book.
Sonic The Hedgehog #273 – Worlds Unite has been off to a slow start (and I hate that we keep getting the editor note of “What is happening here? Find out in Worlds Unite Battles…which will be out in a few weeks.”), but I do love the conceit that both Mega Man and Sonic have been taken out of the fight real early. But it would be nice to get the story moving a little more.