Quiz: Find Out if You and Deadpool are Besties!

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Our friends over at Morphsuits are at it again with their comic book related fun. We've shared some of their infographics in the past but now they've come up with something more engaging. A Deadpool compatibility quiz!

Find out if you're a match made in heaven (or hell) with Marvel's 'merc with a mouth'.

The quiz is fun, with plenty of options and callouts to things Deadpool loves. So dive into the quiz and let us know, in the comments below, how compatible you are with the 'Pool!

Sure, everyone wants to hang out with the awesomeness that is Deadpool, but would you actually get along with the guy?

Deadpool. He’s pretty unpredictable, even a tad insane.  So find out just how well you'd get along with some help from our new quiz – who knows, you may be the chimi to his changa…?