
We're Power Rangers?

Power Rangers
Growing up I was a closet POWER RANGERS fan. When the show originally debuted, it was not cool in any way shape or form to like the show, talk about the show, or admit that you watched the show. So I sat in the corner and watched over my younger sister's shoulder as she watched the awesome martial arts, cool armor, and massive Zords (the prehistoric themed vehicles) clash with Rita's army. And I rolled my eyes. Because if you were going to be in the same room as a TV airing POWER RANGERS, you must roll your eyes.


With the release of a teaser for the Justice League trailer prepared to drop this Saturday, the vial marketing campaign for the DC blockbuster movie is ramping up.

So far what we've seen has been focused on Aquaman, King of Atlantis, with Jason Momoa's portrayal of the character on full display in a standalone poster. We expect that the other 5 members will get the same poster treatment over time.


First Look at Justice League movie poster

Warner Bros posted this on Facebook this morning.  It's not particularly exciting, and I don't think it will grab all that many people.  I am not sure how well the public would know the name Justice League.  Just throwing a highly stylized JL up on a poster, I don't think the general public will even know what they are looking at here.

I think they would have been better off showing the characters, but that may just be me.  Warner Bros continues to have questionable marketing choices when it comes to their cinematic universe.


History Notes: Legends of Tomorrow Episode 215, "Fellowship of the Spear"

Legends of Tomorrow Fellowship of the Spear

One spear to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.

The Legends team have managed to outpace the Legion of Doom when it comes to collecting pieces of the Spear of Destiny -- the spear that pierced Christ's side and embued it with the power to rewrite reality. But the Legion has the final piece and have hidden it in the one place where it can't be found in time -- outside of time, at Vanishing Point.

You'd think a whole episode could be devoted just to obtaining that piece, but it's actually thieved away in a matter of minutes, with Firestorm (FRANZ DRAMEH) showing off to Rip Hunter (ARTHUR DARVILL) his new transmutation powers by turning the safe into jellybeans and revealing the last fragment. Eobard Thawne (MATT LETSCHER), the Reverse-Flash, finds out too late that the fragment has been stolen, and goes ballistic.


Gonged at Last: Chuck Barris, 87

Chuck Barris

I have long had a sense of humor that finds me making jokes that leave others looking at me like they're still waiting for the punch line. I blame that on Chuck Barris, whose schtick I would often try to emulate, after years of watching him host the hilarious, oddball, and frequently non sequitur variety contest, THE GONG SHOW.

The man who made so few people laugh, but laugh loudly nonetheless, was also the brains behind THE DATING GAME and it's post-coital follow-up, THE NEWLYWED GAME, both of which were Q&A sessions designed to test the tenuous boundaries where the sexual revolution met the television censors.

Chuck Barris passed away March 21, 2017 of natural causes.

Part of me thinks he did this as one final joke, to continue the verbal confusion of those who interchanged his name with Chuck Berry, who also passed this same week. If I were named Charles Bears right now, I'd be staying alert.


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | Protests Pt. 2

Groomed By Game Jab

The boys continue the conversation in the topic of protests.


Catching Up: The Flash Episode 317, "Duet"

Perhaps the most anticipated, most dreaded episode of THE FLASH has come upon us -- the musical crossover with SUPERGIRL.

Things kicked off in SUPERGIRL when a mysterious person puts Kara (MELISSA BENOIST) into a coma and then jumps through a breach, declaring he is looking for "the fastest man alive."


Superman #19: "Deja New-52"

As we continue coverage of the SUPERMAN: REBORN storyline that has been occuring in the pages of SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS, the story heats up in the third act by resurrecting a lost hero.

SUPERMAN #19 takes us back to the first few moments when Jonathan was taken by Mxyzptlk. It's sort of what you'd see on a CW show where they give an intro such as 'previously on (insert show title here)'. While this is sort of irritating for those of us who HAVE been following along, this helps readers who are jumping in understand what's happening. However, when panel real estate is so limited in comic books these days...there's nothing more frustrating that having that space wasted on story you've already read.



The Longbox Short-List - Week of March 22, 2017

Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week.   Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that.  Let's get to it!

Comics shipping this week


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | Protests Pt. 1

Freshly Shaven Clean By Game Jab

The boys are on the topic of proests. Are they useful or just annoying? If you would like to leave your opinion on protests, please leave a comment down below. And if you like this game, please hit that LIKE button!
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Roll Over, Beethoven, Chuck Berry's Coming Home

Chuck Berry

If there's a Rock and Roll Heaven, they had one hell of a venue last night.

Chuck Berry, the Father of Rock and Roll, passed away March 18, 2017 at the age of 90. He leaves behind a legacy of several hit songs that formed the foundation of modern rock music, with songs like "Maybelline," "Rock and Roll Music" and the unforgettable "Johnny B. Goode" which played an instrumental and unforgettable role in the Steven Spielberg classic BACK TO THE FUTURE.

It's arguable that without Berry's music, itself influenced by blues musicians T-Bone Walker and Muddy Waters, there would have been a very different sound from groups like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, as well as just about every other classic rock and roll group that owed their inspirations to the native St. Louisan.


Will Shaw Is Marvelous In The Kirkwood Theatre Guild's WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION

WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION Image Credit: Kirkwood Theatre Guild, courtesy of Dani Mann

What can you say about Agatha Christie that hasn’t been said a thousand times? I mean, when your books are only outsold by the Holy Bible and that lousy hack William Shakespeare, that’s pretty much all there is to say. I’ve read a number of her stories, mostly the ones revolving around Hercule Poirot or Mrs. Marple. I have somehow managed to neither read WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION nor seen it performed until tonight, presented by The Kirkwood Theatre Guild. I don’t know what I was waiting for—I love a good courtroom drama.


WWE Unleashes Southpaw Regional Wrestling!

This morning, WWE released a series of four videos they claimed to be from a longlost 80's wrestling promotion called Southpaw Regional Wrestling.  The videos are a pretty clever homage to the ridiculousness of 80's wrestling.  A lot of WWE superstars appear in these in some pretty unexpected (and brilliant) roles.  Definitely worth checking out!  WWE needs to do more fun stuff like this.  I miss things like the JBL and Cole show, which really allowed wrestlers to show off more personality than we get on WWE TV, especially on Raw. 

If nothing else, therese videos are far more entertaining than anything we've gotten to see Gallows and Anderson do in their time in the WWE.



Weekend Update, March 17, 2017

My Two-Bits: My Love of Stephen Colbert


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | PHEW!

Dropped Out By Game Jab

Kevin is back at it playing the first Zelda game he actually likes.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Weekend Blast - Recap of the Week and Commentary on Stephen Colbert

My Two-Bits: My Love of Stephen Colbert

A few weeks ago, my daughter asked me the question, “If you could spend the day with anyone, who would it be?”  I started to talk about family and all that, and she said, “I mean famous person.” And without hesitation, I answered “Stephen Colbert.”  Colbert is a source of endless fascination and entertainment for me.  


History Notes: Legends of Tomorrow Episode 214, "Moonshot"

Legends of Tomorrow, Episode 214, Moonshot

Rip Hunter (ARTHUR DARVILL) scattered the Justice Society of America across time to protect the fragments of the Spear of Destiny, which, if assembled, could rewrite reality. He leaves Henry Heywood (MATTHEW MACCAULL), aka Commander Steel, in 1965 Manhattan, with the realization that his family will think he died in the mission to Liepzig. Mere seconds after they part ways, Rip Hunter reappears with the Legends trying to intercept Henry. This was a nice bit of time travel, nearly running into yourself, which you could theoretically do decades and seconds apart simultaneously. But Henry is a master chameleon, and if he wants to get lost, he's going to be lost.


Live Stream Give Away! | Game Jab

Naturally Delivered By Game Jab

The boys at Game Jab are currently hosting three free give away prizes you wont want to miss out on and if you do then don't worry because the boys are already planning out bigger and better free give away prizes in the future. If you are just as pumped up as we are about entering in this free give away then here is all the dirty little info you will need to enter to win.


This Saturday at 9:00 PM – 2:00 AM Central Time, Zach will will be hosting a live Stream while playing The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild and will be giving away to two lucky winners a free pair of Legend Of Zelda headphones.


Fall in Love with Beauty and the Beast... Again

Beauty and the Beast

I have a confession. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is not my favorite Disney movie. While it's also far from my least, the original probably ranks in my top five animated favorites. That said, the live action version starring Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the Beast will make you fall in the love with the story and the characters all over again.

Watson is charming, fierce, and courageous. She embodies every aspect of Belle and is everything you could possibly want and more from the iconic Disney Princess. Stevens is the tortured and angry, self-loathing Beast in every way, and Gaston is still the pompous villain you love to hate and roll your eyes at. All the characters from the villagers (including Gaston's sidekick, LeFou) to the loveable household items Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Cogsworth, and even the tiny teacup named Chip, felt so real in this adaptation. It's a world that sucks you in and makes you want to be a part of it.


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | How Do I Do This?

Spewed Out By Game Jab

Kevin is back in Hyrule and he is on the hunt! Kevin soon learns that he can't just go rushing into battle swinging his sword.


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